
About SkillsTV

Inspire, entertain, educate

SkillsTV is a video platform that delivers content about skilled trades with the goal to inspire, entertain, and educate. The videos cover a wide range of sectors such as construction, employment, IT, manufacturing and engineering, services, transportation, and healthcare. There are also videos centered around the nine Skills for Success such as reading, writing, numeracy, and more. Future phases of the platform will bring forth training opportunities, apprenticeship programs, and hopefully augmented reality!

The platform is an initiative by Skills/Compétences Canada, a Canadian registered charity whose mission is to encourage and support a coordinated Pan-Canadian approach to promoting skilled careers in trades and technologies to youth and their communities.

What you can expect to find

Want to learn more about skilled trades, enhance your skills, see others in the field and gain awareness about what they do? Or maybe you’re looking for technical training, and hands-on resources, SkillsTV has got you covered! Below are a number of categories you can expect to find on the platform.

Career seeking: whether you’re in the initial stages of exploring career options, or you want to make a jump to a different career, these videos are for you! There’s a wide range of categories to demonstrate what it’s like to work in construction, employment, IT, manufacturing and engineering, services, transportation, and healthcare.

Skills building: if you’re interested in building foundational skills that will help you with your current career or future career goals, consider these videos. They cover the 9 Skills for Success (formerly essential skills) you need to get a job, progress at your current job and change jobs: reading, writing, numeracy, adaptability, creativity and innovation, problem solving, communication, collaboration, and digital.

STEM: interested in the field of science, technology, engineering and math? Discover STEM-related programs, careers, and training that can help you further your abilities and knowledge in this area.

SCC Highlights: looking to explore events in the skilled trades? Each year there are engaging opportunities to compete in a chosen trade and technology skill area at a local, regional, national, and international level. You can browse through past videos here.

Live Events: tune in live for upcoming events in the skilled trade at regional, national, and international levels.

Apprenticeship: coming soon!

Training: coming soon!

Experiential/Hands-On Resources: coming soon!

Platform phases

In November 2022, SkillsTV launched with an initial set of videos that were already available and produced. These cover a wide range of skilled trades and technologies, skill building, and event highlights. Throughout the next several months, videos will be added periodically as they get sorted, categorized, and uploaded.

There are big goals in place for SkillsTV, and those will come in phases! As time allows for more ideas, resources, and feedback to roll in, we’ll be adding new features, videos, and elements to the site. These eventual phases could include the following elements:

  • New content production: once we’ve sorted through our heaps of current content, we’ll be creating new content under the SkillsTV brand.
  • Partnerships: partnerships that help centralize content from other organizations on SkillsTV. We could host videos on the platform, and also feature partner profiles that lead people to other sites to watch videos hosted elsewhere. These may include training, certifications, and apprenticeship programs.
  • Augmented reality: expand to an aggregator of online, augmented reality, virtual reality training platforms.

Interested in discussing future phases with SkillsTV?

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